As Robb Smith says, “If those of us who want a better world do not unite, we will lose.” History also reminds us that, ‘The best story wins.’
The story that is required must be better than the story that populists offer and must give people a meaningful, actionable way to participate and feel involved and convince them that the benefits will endure after their own life time.
“Stories – narratives – provide us with a way of understanding our place in the scheme of things by structuring our understanding of events. They root us in an on-going stream of history and thereby provide us with a sense of belonging and help us establish our identities.
“To get us out of the mess we are in, we need a new story that explains the present and guides the future” as George Monbiot articulates below:
“Mankind has the ability to be the supreme cooperator.”
“This may sound like a bit of a tall order, in Western nations, there is actually a story like this waiting to be told.” George Monbiot continues, ”over the past few years, there’s been a fascinating convergence of findings in several different sciences, in psychology and anthropology and neuroscience and evolutionary biology, and they all tell us something pretty amazing: that human beings have got this massive capacity for altruism. Sure, we all have a bit of selfishness and greed inside us, but in most people, those are not our dominant values.
“We need to recover the commons. The commons is neither market nor state, capitalism nor communism, but it consists of three main elements: a particular resource; a particular community that manages that resource; and the rules and negotiations the community develops to manage it. Think of community broadband or community energy cooperatives or the shared land for growing crops.
Linking past, present and future – which is to be co-created and lived into being, giving a powerful sense of purpose and momentum to people of all ages, nationalities and faiths.
RSIN: 860439100
Chamber of Commerce: 75913178
Stichting The Global Transformation Foundation
The Hague Humanity Hub, Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ The Hague, Netherlands
The Hague Humanity Hub Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ The Hague, Netherlands