“It has the visionaries, the teachers, the technologies, the makers and the capital. It has millions of people from every corner eager to devote their hearts and minds to catalyzing change. When these ingredients come together, their capacity for impact becomes exponential.”
Salim Ismail, Executive Director, Singularity University
The world is incredible. Mankind as a species is incredible. We’ve achieved so much, created and overcome so much. But we’ve become so busy, so distracted by the amazing things we have created.
Things have changed and are happening so fast. We need to pause for a moment, to take stock, to think deeply about where we are going, where we want to go and how we are going to get there. We need to re-learn how to talk together and to walk together. We’ve all benefited greatly from the industrial era, but how we approach the future has to change.
Pointing fingers and blaming others is a waste of energy and time; time that we do not have. At times like these, Kennedy’s words are more important than ever: “The world’s problems cannot be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by obvious realities. We need people who can dream of things that never were and ask – why not?”
The global protests have paved the way. It’s time that we come together to help design a better framework for what needs to come next and help to get the world involved.
Kim Guillemard, Founder
The Global Transformation Foundation is focused upon what is perhaps the most complicated challenge of all, the challenge facing humanity itself today. How are we going to bring about the transformation needed in our societies, our economies and our relationship with the biosphere – in a peaceful way?
We are living in the most exciting time in history. What happens in the next decade will decide the future of humanity.
Together we have the brains, the technology, the tools and the capital to secure our future, PROVIDED THAT we can reach agreement on the direction to take and unite in action.
History has shown us that transforming ideas, plans and actions can work with extraordinary power and speed in times of war or crisis. That time has come and there is no more exciting project and motivating challenge for us and our children than engineering our futures.
The Global Transformation Foundation aims to help solve the global challenges, promoting positive change to improve our biosphere, economies and societies. Our mission is to do this by creating engaging and inspiring educational content to create awareness, advocacy and thought-leadership.
In this new world of accelerated and exponential change – the way we have solved most challenges in the past is no longer working. What we’re doing is not working fast enough or effectively. We need a new updated approach. Everywhere you look we have too many people working IN our systems and not enough working ON our systems. We need more innovative approaches that involve the people of the planet and engage the younger generations.
The global climate conference, COP25 in Madrid in 2019, was a graphic illustration that new initiatives are needed to bring people together to find solutions and change mindsets. Some of the old toolkit of Declarations, Protocols and Treaties and deals made in the corridors of power are no longer sufficient or trusted as representing all parties involved in an even-handed way.
Each of us are more empowered than ever before to help solve grand challenges. And the world’s biggest problems may also be our biggest opportunities. It’s time to come together to face the challenges and use our collective wisdom, our business acumen and our individual and collective creativity to design and engineer our futures.
We cannot create a world that we cannot envisage. The world needs stories, transformational stories that move audiences to action that can change the world. We cannot create a world we can’t imagine and and stories are the engines of our imaginations.
We need you – wherever you live, whatever you do, however young or old you are – to help the Global Transformation Foundation support the movement for positive change. Big challenges need more action on solutions. Over recent decades, despite hard work by many organisations and individuals and positive work by some governments, corporate leaders and politicians – many of the challenges are outpacing our progress.
The Foundation takes a fresh approach to creating change. We can all see that BAU – business as usual – is just not working effectively or fast enough. Turning a supertanker at sea is no easy task. It takes time and effort, a few degrees at a time. Changing some of our habits, practices and thinking – and changing our economic landscape – will be even harder. But it is do-able and it has become a must.
And today, more than ever before, we have the consciousness, the technology and billions of educated citizens of the planet, many of whom are seeking change. The type of change which makes life fairer, happier, greener and safer for all is clearly within our reach, provided we start to collaborate, to co-operate and to really show we care – and play our parts.
That is why we hope you will explore our website, understand our vision and get to know more about the 17 Sustainable Goals. Let’s work together. Shaping a brighter future is the most exciting and important challenge and opportunity we’ve ever had.
RSIN: 860439100
Chamber of Commerce: 75913178
Stichting The Global Transformation Foundation
The Hague Humanity Hub, Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ The Hague, Netherlands
The Hague Humanity Hub Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ The Hague, Netherlands